Montrose Regional Health Receives $50,000 Donation

MONTROSE, CO: Montrose Regional Health (MRH) received a $50,000 donation from the San Juan Healthcare Foundation to assist with COVID-19 related expenses.   Montrose Regional Health has realized a substantial financial setback due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  With the cancellation of elective procedures and surgeries throughout the organization and the temporary closure or dramatic reduction of specific services, we are estimating substantial losses for the months of April and May.  James Kiser, MRH CEO stated; “This has been a trying time for many of us. We have friends and loved ones who have had their health and their livelihood threatened by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in our country. This has truly been a crisis in every sense of the word, and we are grateful and blessed by this donation from the San Juan Healthcare Foundation.”

The mission of the San Juan Healthcare Foundation is to develop resources that go towards the improvement of health and wellness in the Montrose region.  These resources are then used for the advancement of charitable, scientific, or educational healthcare needs.   “We are happy to support MRH during this pandemic and help to ensure our local quality hospital services,” said Allison Nadel, Board Chair of the San Juan Healthcare Foundation.