New UVC Disinfection Robot

MONTROSE, CO: Montrose Regional Health (MRH) has added a new member to its Environmental Services team. The facility has invested in Tru-D, short for “total room ultraviolet disinfection,” a UVC disinfection robot that helps keep patients and staff safe from harmful germs.

“Montrose Regional Health is the first in the region to offer Tru-D, this state-of-the-art technology, in our facility to help keep our patients and staff safe from harmful germs,” said James Kiser, CEO of Montrose Regional Health. “We are committed to providing the safest and cleanest environment possible through manual cleaning, hand hygiene, antibiotic stewardship and now with innovative disinfection technology. We continue to remain on the leading edge of technology and provide innovative care for our Friends & Family.”

The first UVC disinfection robot on the market, Tru-D is a portable system that administers one automated, measured dose of UVC energy to disinfect an entire space during one cycle. Operating from one placement in the room, Tru-D provides significant pathogen reduction in direct and shadowed areas and reduces the threat of human error in the process. With cloud-based data-tracking technology, the robot transfers usage data to a portal to provide real-time, exportable results through concise graphics and analytics.

Tru-D will not replace MRH’s award-winning Environmental Services staff but supplement them – adding an extra layer of protection against infections. Four staff are trained to take Tru-D to patient rooms and initiate the disinfection process, which is completed in all four operating rooms. After Tru-D has completed a job (usually 20-25 minutes), the device automatically shuts down and notifies the operator via text message that the disinfection cycle is complete.

UVC is a type of energy that is invisible to the human eye. Its wavelengths are between 200 and 300 nanometers, making them germicidal – meaning they are capable of inactivating microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses and protozoa. Validated by multiple studies including the only randomized clinical trial on UVC disinfection, Tru-D’s advanced technology is expected to assist the hospital’s already-low infection rates.

“Tru-D continues to become a standard of care throughout hundreds of hospitals in the U.S,” said Chuck Dunn, CEO of Tru-D SmartUVC. “Tru-D is on a mission to help hospitals eliminate HAIs and improve patient outcomes through innovative technology.”

For more information on Tru-D’s technology and/or to watch a video on the power of one placement and one cycle, visit